- July 31, 2015
13:30 – 17:30
- 11th Floor, Exchange Tower, No.16 Vo Van Kiet, District 01, Ho Chi Minh City
- This is invitation-only event
Being as one of the most open economy in the World, Vietnam has been attracting a large foreign capital flow since 2005 from diverse international market participants. Although foreign capital flow has been volatile over years it is still playing a very influential role to Vietnam securities market and other channels of investments including private equity and M&A.
Meanwhile positive outlooks from some foreign trade initiatives such as TPP, PPP, and Vietnam - Korea FTA are being developed, certain policy developments by the Government being discussed such as the increase of foreign room limit and possible floating the shares of SOEs would improve market liquidity and create confidence from market participants especially foreign institutional investors into Vietnam.
With a desire in providing an outside-in view to both local and foreign investors, StoxPlus will jointly with HOSE organise this conference to discuss about this theme. We believe the conference will bring useful information to anyone who currently have investments in Vietnam or considering to have exposure into Vietnam Securities Market. We welcome:
Securities CompaniesPublic and PE Funds Banks Insurance CompaniesFinancial Investment Companies
Number of attendees: 200 people
- DateFriday, July 31, 2015
- Time13:30 - 17:30
- Venue11th Floor , Exchange Tower
No.16 Vo Van Kiet, 01 District, Ho Chi Minh City - OrganizersStoxPlus Joint Stock Company
Hochiminh Stock Exchange – HOSE - Supported byNikkei Inc.
QUICK Corp - Media PartnersVIR
‘Dau tu Chung Khoan' Newspaper (Báo Đầu tư Chứng khoán) - LanguageEnglish and Vietnamese simultaneous interpretation will be available during the conference
Selection of Participants
13:30 - 14:00Registration & Coffee
14:00 - 14:15Opening speech by President/CEO of HOSE and CEO of StoxPlus
14:15 - 14:40Topic 1: “What is Driving Foreign Capital into Vietnam Securities Market”
– by Ms. Nguyen Thi Viet Ha / Member of Board of Directors, Hochiminh Stock Exchange
14:40 - 15:05Topic 2: “Vietnam Stock Market from Japanese Investors' Perspective”
– by Mr. Takeuchi Koichi, Senior Strategist, Japan Securities Incorporated
15:05 - 15:30Topic 3: “Investing in Vietnam: What Are Foreign Investors Looking for? - an Inside-out View”
- by Mr. Nguyen Quang Thuan, CEO, StoxPlus Corporation
15:30 - 15:45Break & Networking
15:45 - 16:10Topic 4: “Investment Opportunities from SOE IPOs and Divestments in Vietnam”
- by Ms. Yoko Ogimoto, Senior Consultant, Nomura Research Institute (Tokyo)
16:10 - 17:00Panel Discussion with key note speakers
17:00 - 17:15Wrap-up and concluding remarks
Contact Us
Ms. Hang Pham
StoxPlus Corporation
Head Office: 5th Floor, Anh Minh Building, 36 Hoang Cau street, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Phone: +84-4 3562 6962 - ext 109 (Ms Hang)
Fax: +84-4 3562 5055
Email: event@stoxplus.com
Office hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, except on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays