FiinGroup proudly launches FiinConnex - a corporate intelligence platform

Share this on: Hanoi, Mar 06 2020 - 05:03 PM
FiinGroup proudly launches FiinConnex - a corporate intelligence platform

On this March 6th, FiinGroup proudly launch a special and ultimate platform that is expected to change how we can figure out the connections among people and businesses: FiinConnex.

On this March 6th, FiinGroup proudly launch a special and ultimate platform that is expected to change how we can figure out the connections among people and businesses: FiinConnex. This is the first ever corporate intelligence platform, which maps out the complex relationships between companies and persons in the corporate ecosystem in Vietnam.

This technology is applied on company registry datasets and stock exchange disclosures to create tools with the purpose of FiinConnex is particularly useful for prospecting, client on-boarding, background, due diligence checks and research as well as a sufficient risk management tool.

What makes FiinConnex different from others

  • We focus on accuracy and speed: FiinConnex is developed to be a fast and cost-saving method to check all information instantly for effective decision-making processes.
  • FiinConnex contains a wide range of information with 1.3 million entities and 4.4 million connections in Vietnamese market in one unified view.

What FiinConnex offers

  1. Radial Map

Radial Maps are interactive visual maps to extract and analyze connections between people and companies. Users can understand all connections when looking at the whole map or choose to drill down for more information of a certain person or company by expanding on entities to show the next layer of connections. FiinConnex platform supports to save or export information in Radial Maps depending on user’s requirements.

  1. Interconnection Map

This powerful feature is the feasible answer for the question: “How are these people and companies connected?”. Interconnection Maps identify how people and companies could be connected directly or through intermediate connections. The degree of separation is adjustable by showing more or less indirect paths.

  1. Beneficial Ownership Map

Beneficial Ownership Map shows the ultimate shareholders of a company through intermediate connections and interests as well as a company’s beneficial owners, through every layer of shareholding, and presents the information in a visual hierarchy map.

  1. Investee Companies Search

It can be considered as the perfect complement to our widely used Legal Beneficial Ownership (LBO) Search. While the LBO search uncovers the layers of beneficial ownership behind a company, Investee Companies Search reveals all ownership interests that a person or company holds.

  1. Entity Profile Report

Gain basic information and key financial data of the latest fiscal year end and actionable insights about a subject entity. This report is generated as a PDF document for intuitive reading.

FiinConnex is a corporate intelligence platform provided by FiinGroup (previously StoxPlus), a Vietnam’s leading provider of financial data, business information, industry research and other data-driven analytics services. Should you have any questions or queries during the upgrade process, please feel free to contact our Customer Support Centre at any time.

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