Getting Started
Welcome to FiinPro
Welcome to FiinPro, a financial platform consisting of application-based platform and web portals, providing the most complete data and information on all 2000+ public companies, market and related macro economy data for fund managers, portfolio managers, investment officers, financial and investment analysts, researchers, brokerage consultants and active traders. FiinPro offers ready-to-use analytic tools, bringing the most accurate timely and complete 24/7 financial information.
- A powerful analytics platform developed by a team of ACCA, CPA and CFA Charter holders for serious and active investors;
- Real-time interactive data for Vietnam stock market, watchlists, sector performance and live price board with advanced stock filter by sector, exchange and winners/losers etc.;
- A comprehensive suite of Stock and Analysis, Stock Compare, Stock Screener, Sector Analysis, Earning Forecast, Research Reports. Comparing stocks with hundreds of indicators, charts, income statement and balance sheet items;
- Most up-to-date and reliable financial information including annual and quarterly balance sheet, income statements, cash flow statements and detailed notes of financial statements of all companies listed on HOSE and HNX since their listing;
- A comprehensive suite of 200+ leading indicators for stock valuation, trading risk management, market liquidity, management efficiency, financial strength and profitability;
- Filtering the whole market using 250+ criteria and displaying only the stocks that meet user’s criteria;
- A complete analysis for each sector and sector-to-sector comparison, in which International Benchmarking Classification standards are applied;
- Estimating Free Cash Flow and discount rate under CAPM model to value a stock. Checking results with multiple earning approaches;
- Data and ratio methodology reviewed by our in-house CPA Charterholders and independently verified by a third party;
- Easy to install and use. Market data is updated on a real time basis. Fundamental information is updated and financial ratios are re-calculated and updated within 30 minutes after the trading hours every day;
FiinPro version 1.0.5 has been released. What’s new in this version?
Foreign Room Data
In this version, FiinPro® allows users to track the most up-to-date foreign ownership data, including total foreign room, foreign ownership and remaining foreign room of the whole market along with market real-time movement. At StoxPlus, we maintain a detailed ownership analysis that not available on the market.
Off-Balance Sheet Data of Banks
Given the large exposure of the off-balance sheet items at many banks in Vietnam which could inherently result into NPL, besides of the usual key indicators of financial statements, Version 1.0.5 also displays off-balance sheet financial indicators of banks enabling a full picture of risk profile of banks.
Foreign Buy (real-time) on HOSE
According to the plan of HCM Stock Exchange, this data will be provided in early May 2016, so that FiinPro® allows users can keep track real-time data through Live Board and other related functions. Currently, it is only available on HNX.
Technical Chartings
We introduced the most common 35 technical indicators for users to analyze price movements based on the accuracy-proven adjusted data and other data inputs for active trading oriented users.
Market Performance
A brief of market overview, including market Indices P/E, P/B, Beta, ROE, ROA for both HOSE and HNX stock exchanges in Market Summary. Users can be able to generate an automated market report from FiinPro.
Customer Support - Online now!
In order to improve our customer services, our customer support executives now are online via chatting function in FiinPro Platform and ready for any technical or data support queries from users and in one simple click.
View more about What's New in FiinPro 1.0.4 »
To using FiinPro Platform, users need following these steps:
- Run web portal http://fiinpro.com
- Fill up the registration form at Register Page. Within 1 working day, our customer support would contact users for your trial access.
- StoxPlus will send registered users a link which is not public on the website. Users click to the link and follow instruction to install and setup FiinPro Platform.
- Sign in using registered ID and password on Step 2 to log on FiinPro.
System Requirement
FiinPro runs on almost modem operating systems of Microsoft
Operating System:
Windows: XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 2003 / 2008 / 2012
Mac OS X: Coming Soon.
Internet: High-speed internet access (cable/DSL/fiber)
Memory: 2GB (4GB recommended)
Processor: Intel core i3 or equivalent (Core i5 or higher processors are recommended)
Disk Space: 100MB
Installation Guide
- Install and setup FiinPro on your computer
- Start installation
A Open File Wizard appears, select Run to accept the installation:
Installation: Open File
Installation: Launching Application
Select Install to begin installation.
Installation: Security Warning
Installation: Installing FiinPro
Installation: Finish the Process
Now you have successfully installed FiinPro Platform. Login Form will appear.
Lastly, enter your account to experience our product.
Launching: Interface
Login/Sign out
Logging In and Signing Out
Each time you launch the application, it checks for and installs any new updates. This ensures that you are running on the most recent build of the application.
Launch the application either by clicking the icon installed on your desktop, or by opening your Start menu and selecting this path:
All Programs => StoxPlus Corporation => FiinPro - Enter your Username or Email and Password then choose your Language between Vietnamese and English in the dialog box.
- To expedite future logins, check the box labeled Remember Acount Information (remembers your Username and Password so you do not have to enter them again).
- Then, a Activation Box will appear. Please enter License Key and click button Activate to finish the registration of FiinPro. (Each account has been activated with a License Key).
- Click Log in then Result is: FiinPro is launching.
Note: You need an active internet connection to launch FiinPro and to receive data into the application.
Signing out
For security purposes, it is important to Sign out each time you are finished using the application. This also saves all your workspaces the way you left them.
To Sign out
There are three ways to sign out:
- Close the application by clicking the X at the top right of the screen; or
- Right-click the
Symbol in the upper left-corner of the application, and select Close (Alt +F4); or
- Click the right mouse button of the
FiinPro Symbol in the Taskbar then click Close window.
Change Password
- Go to Setting => My Account. My Account will be displayed.
- Select Change My Password.
- Enter existing password in “Existing password” text box and new password in “New Password” and “Confirm new password” text box.
- Click OK button
Forgot your password
If you forgot your password, please click “Forgot your password”. FiinPro system will send a new password to your registered email address automatically.
Application Layout
FiinPro has a number of elements that make it easy for you to place and arrange content on your desktop. Here is an example of the main window:
A. Menu Bar B. Panels C. Workspace D. Commands
Menu Bar
The Menu Bar appears at the top of the application.
FiinPro has eight tabs at the top, with two basic tabs File, Exit and 6 main functions which can be added in the next versions, called Menu Item, from which to choose:
File contains all basic activities which you can Open, Load, Save, Save As or create a New Layout;
Edit which contains some options allows you to Add Multiple, Set Group, Refresh Data and makes your own Preference;
Market contains a summary of all Market Live, Sector Live, Stock Live, Market Statistics and the Live Board;
Company displays all information about listed and unlisted companies from Profile, Comparison with Sector, Corporate Actions to Reports and Announcements, Consensus,...
Equitypermits you to stock screening and strategy screening by group and condition in a dispatch and efficiency.
Data Explorer provides users a database covering 2,000 listed and unlisted company data, sector data and Vietnam economic data, ...
News covers all information about Financials News, Company Informations and allows users to create their own Daily Reports
Analysis Tools provides analysis tools such as Contribution Analysis and Cross Section.
Quick Access Button
On the top center of the screen, you can see ToolBox for the Group Setting, Market Live, Market Statistics, Data Explorer, Company Lookup, Consensus, Stock Screening, Strategy Screening, and Vietnam Economic Data. These buttons give you a quick access of the services.
Others Action Buttons
The top right of the screen is placed by some functions as time, language switching, inbox, alerts, feedback and options.
Panels are placed on the workspace. Each panel has specific settings and properties.
All of your workspaces are accessible from the bottom left portion of the desktop layout. Click on any tab to open it and display its panels. The default setting is full displaying. Double–click on any workspace tab to change the name of the tab. Furthermore, by clicking and moving any tab you want the workspace will pop-up to a different display. You may also delete a workspace by clicking the X on its tab or create a new window.
The "Active" Workspace (the one currently displayed) is identified with a blue bar at the top.
Common Commands
Button at the bottom right of the application allow you toggle your Workspace between locked and unlocked.
Real-Time vs. Delayed Data
Your account has been configured to display certain exchanges in real-time. All other price data is delivered in delay, according to the exchange (Market: 60 minute delay, Commodities, World indices: EOD- end of day).
Shortcut Keys
FiinPro contains a number of keyboard shortcuts to make using the application easier. A list of these shortcuts can be viewed either by clicking the Options Menu (top right corner of the application) and then selecting Help.
Keyboard Shortcut Keys include:
- Alt + F4 | Exit FiinPro Platform
- Ctrl + G | Group Setting
- Ctrl + L | Load a Layout
- Ctrl + N | Create New Layout
- Ctrl + O | Open a Layout
- Ctrl + S | Save Layout
- Ctrl + T | Create a New tab
- Ctrl + W | Close current tab
- Ctrl + Alt + P | Preference
- Ctrl + Alt + R | Refresh Data
- Ctrl + Shift + A | Multiple Views
- Ctrl + Shift + C | Close Workspace
- Ctrl + Shift + S | Save Layout as a diffirent place
- F2 | Launch Market Live
- F3 | Launch Market Statistics
- F4 | Launch Company Data Explorer
- F5 | Launch Company Look Up
- F6 | Launch Consensus
- F7 | Launch Stock Screening
- F8 | Launch Strategy Screening
- F9 | Show StoxPlus Templates
Options Menu
This button allows users to establish some basic configurations and supports them all information which they want to search.
Contact Support
If you have a technical problem while working on FiinPro or have a question for our Support Group, you can send a support request directly from the application. When you do so, the application attaches important data to help us better identify and respond to the issue you may be having.
- Click the
Feedback Button in the upper right-corner of the application;
- In the Issue description field, enter a thorough description of the problem you are experiencing, or the question you have;
- If the phone number listed is not the number we can reach you at, please correct the information;
- If the issue is something visible on your workspace, it is always helpful for Technical Support to see what you are seeing. You can automatically submit one or more images of your workspace.
- Click Submit.
Note: You may also find the support guider online by click the Options Button then choose Help.
A workspace is used to store and organize all the content you want to view. A workspace can contain multiple panels - windows that contain specific data such as a quote board, chart, news, etc.
Workspaces are accessed using "tabs" located along the bottom left portion of the application. Once you open a workspace, its tab color will change to indicate it's the "Active" workspace.
Workspaces are automatically divided horizontally or vertically to add new content panels. Once panels are added, you may grab the edges of a panel to resize it in the workspace.
Rename Workspaces
- Double-click on the Workspace tab you wish to rename. (Workspace tabs are located at the bottom left of the application). Result: The Workspace name is highlighted
- Type a new Workspace name, and press Enter when done.
Add New Workspaces
There are three ways to add a New Workspace:
Click the
(located at the bottom right of the application).
Result: A screen appears, allowing you to select from a number of predefined Workspace templates; or - Right-click on any Workspace tab, then choose New Tab; or
- Press Ctrl + T
Delete a Workspace
Click the that is displayed on the Workspace tab you wish to delete. (Workspace tabs are located at the bottom left of the application.)
Result: delete the Workspace and all the panels it contains.
Right-Click Commands
Right-click on any Workspace tab to view additional options. Options include:
New tabAllows you to create a new workspace
ReloadAllows you to load the tab recurrence
DuplicateOpen a tab which has the same content
View on other windowMove current tab to a pop-up window to view
Close tabClose current tab
Close other tabsClose all tabs but the current one
Close tabs to the rightClose tabs alternately to the right
Close all tabsClose all tabs with one click
Lock Workspace Content
Once you've arranged panels on a workspace, you may want to lock the contents to prevent further changes to the workspace layout.
Two Levels of Locking
Locked: Separators between panels are locked. You cannot resize or move panels on the workspace, add new panels to the workspace, or delete panels from the workspace.
Unlocked: Panels may be added, deleted, moved on the workspace.
Lock/Unlock Workspace
Click the Lock icon, found in the lower right corner of the workspace, until the icon changes to the desired level of locking.
Save/Restore Workspaces
When you sign out from the application, the last restore point will be saved for the next access. This is applied for each account. (If you are using more than 02 accounts).
A panel is simply a reserved area that is placed on your workspace and holds specific market data content. Each panel has its own properties and characteristics. Panels include two types: main panel and toolbox panel. The difference between them is that toolbox panel provides AutoHide function and a tabbed panel which don’t have in main panel.
Add/Delete a Panel
FiinPro automatically maximizes the available screen space available when you add a panel to a workspace. There is no need to juggle multiple windows to get an optimal view of your workspace. As you add new panels, the workspace adjusts on-the-fly to fit the new content.
Add a Panel
- Press Ctrl + Shift + A or choose Edit -> Add Multiple, found on the upper left corner of your workspace to open the Function List.
- From the Function List, select any function you want to add multiple, click it.
Note: ToolBox just applies for Company Lookup, Stock Screening, Strategy Screening, Company Data Explorer and Sector/Indies Data Explorer.
Delete a Panel
To delete a panel, click the in the top right corner of the Panel.
Moving a Panel
Adjusting Panels
You can move the physical position of a panel (into a new vertical or horizontal quadrant) by clicking on the "header" bar of the panel. (The entire panel is highlighted, and your cursor changes to a 4-sided arrow, as illustrated below.) Using your mouse, drag and drop the panel into the new desired position.
Panel Title
Each panel can include a title on the top bar, to help identify its contents.
Tabbed Panels
A tabbed Panel is a another way to call the way that allows you to create multiple tabs with different content. For example, one workspace can contain any tab with any content. Tabbed panels are especially useful when trying to conserve space on your display.
Add a Tabed Panel
- Press Ctrl + Shift + A or choose Edit -> Add Multiple, found on the upper left corner of your workspace to open the box Menu.
- From the Function List, select any function you want to add multiple, click it.
- Auto Hide the new created panels by click
in the upper right corner of the panel.
Move a Tabbed Panel
You can resize the tabbed panel by adjusting the symbol which lies along the line to the left or to the right, applying for the following functions:
- Company/ Company Look Up
- Equity/ Stock Screening
- Equity/ Strategy Screening
- Equity/ Advanced Screening
- Data Explorer/ Company Data Explorer
- Data Explorer/ Sector-Index Data Explorer
Multiple Displays
About Displays
Additional Displays/ Monitors
You may create and manage multiple displays for the application, allowing you to move each display to a separate monitor you may have connected. For example, if your work environment has two additional monitors connected to your main display, you can create three displays, or workspace areas, and move each to its own monitor.
New displays start empty. You can either add new workspaces to it manually, or you can move some of your existing workspaces over to a display.
Delete Displays
When you delete a display, you may optionally move all of its workspaces to the main application window. If you do not move them, all content for the display is deleted.
Preference is one of the convenient settings we bring to users in the platform. FiinPro is aimed to provide financial data and information for fund managers, investment analysts, researchers, active traders… Therefore, a number of User Profiles have been built to give users a brief introduction of the platform. Users can select their profiles and use the relevant functions in one tab. To open this function:
- Please choose Edit -> Preference.
- Choose a profile.
- Click Load if you only want to show the customized workspace at that time and in the next access, your workspace will return to the previous one.
- Click Save if you want to use the profile for the next access.
- Click Cancel if you want to close window.
The setting contains two tabs:
Tab 1 - User Profile
1. Default
When users choose this profile, the workspace will automatically return to the default state of FiinPro platform.
2. Active Trader
Including the following functions
- Market Live
- Stock Live
- Sector Live
3. Brokerage Consultant
Including the following functions:
- Stock Live
- Sector Live
4. Data Miner
Including the following functions:
- Company Data Explorer
- Company – Financial Statement
5. Equity Analyst
Including the following functions:
- Company Lookup
- Peer Analysis
- Consensus
6. Equity Strategist
Including the following functions:
- Strategy Screening
- Market Statistics
7. Fund Manager
Including the following functions:
- Stock Screening
8. General Researcher
Including the following functions:
- Company Lookup
- Financial Analysis
- Peer Analysis
9. Investment Officer
Including the following functions:
- Company Lookup
- Financial Statement
Tab 2 - General
In General Setting tab, user can check/uncheck the Use Real-time Data box to disable/enable the Real-time connection in order to use some functions such as Market Live, Sector Live, Stock Live, Live Board.
Group Setting
Group Setting function allows you to customize your own group of stocks and use it as an input for other functions.
Create new stock group
- Open Group Setting function
- Click New button => Stock Group window opened
- Input "Name" and "Description" for your new stock group
Input stock quotes into new stock group by two ways:
- Select stock quotes from the list of exchange/sector by double-click to the exchange/sector or right-click to the exchange/sector to open/add.
- Type the stock quote directly on the ticker column.
- Click Save button.
Edit Stock Group
- Open Group Setting function.
- Select existing stock group which you want to edit
- Click “Edit” button => Stock Group window opened.
- Add/Remove stock quotes from selected stock group.
- Click “Save” button.
Delete Stock Group
If your stock group is used as an input for other functions, the stock group status will turn from “Not in use” to “In use”.
- Select existing stock group which you want to delete
- Click Delete button.
Market Analysis
Market Analysis function displays real-time data by indices, sectors and stocks. It also provides market statistic data such as foreign trading, proprietary trading, order data, historical price and large shareholder report.
Daily Market Movement
Tracking market movement via Market Live, Sector Live and Stock Live.
Market Live
Sector Live
Stock Live
Market Statistics
By clicking to the “Export Excel” button, you can get all market statistics data, including:
- Foreign Activity
- Historical Price
- Order Data
- Top Gainers/Losers
- Proprietary Trading
- Major Shareholder Report
Market Statistic – Foreign Activity
Company Analysis
Company Analysis function displays all information of one company, including Profile, Financial Information, Corporate Action, Ownership Structure, Consensus… to give user a brief of a company’s operation and prospects in the future. This function covers 2,000 public companies in Vietnam.
Besides, it also provides analysis tools: Peer Analysis, Compare with Sector, which allows user to compare one company to a peer of companies or sector.
Company Lookup
Select Company Lookup then each specific feature will show you all the information you need to know about a company.
Company: Company Lookup
Company Lookup: Consensus – Broker View
- Select Ticker and Security Firm to see the Broker view.
- Click Download symbol to read full and detail articles of Broker view.
- Switch to Forward Looking Trend tab for Revenue & Net Profit, EPS, PE and PB consensus forecast.
Company: Consensus – Forecast Data
Data Explorer
Data Explorer function allows users to design data templates and export data into excel file. It includes nearly 2,000 fundamental indicators and 1,000 Vietnam economic indicators.
Besides, user can use the data templates designed by StoxPlus such as Banking Dataset, Valuation model, Cash Dividend statistics and especially Historical Adjusted Price which is used as an input for some technical tools like Meta Stock, Ami Broker.
Explore Company data
- Open Data Explorer function;
- Select stock quotes from Stock Group or input the stock quote directly on the ticker box;
- Select indicators for data loading or user can select one of the dataset templates of StoxPlus.
If user has saved My template previously, user can re-open it from My template. - Click Load Data button => Data display;
User can explore multiple data sheet by clicking “New sheet” button to open new working environment.
Export Excel
By clicking to the “Export” button, user can export the data to excel file. A “Refresh data” tool which is integrated in the exported file allows user to refresh data in next working session by clicking “Refresh Data” button on the file.
Refresh Data
Save Template
In order to save the loaded data to user’s My template, click “Save Template” button then input the Template Name and click “Save” button.
Data: Company Data Explorer
Company Historical Data
Data: Company Historical Data
Input stock quotes by two ways:
- Select a particular stock group on Range of stock groups > A selected stock group component will appear on Optional => Add stock quotes to Selected
- Input the stock quote directly on Ticker box
- Select and Add indicator from Indicator/StoxPlus Template/ My Template
- Select Time series and Time period
Select Export options:
- By stock: Each sheet of the exported file will contain data of each stock quote
- By sequence: All data will be included in one sheet.
- Click Export button.
By clicking Save Template button, all selected stock quotes and indicator will be saved into My Template and user can re-open it for next working session.
Strategy Screening
Strategy Screening shows the correlation between stock market and macro factors. It also allows users to search and back test a specific investment situation based on the historical data and helps users to generate investment ideas.
Strategic Research
- Select a Market Index
- Select macro indicators from one Macro Indicator group (such as GDP, CPI…)
A correlation chart between selected index and macro indicator will be shown.
Strategic Research
Advance Screening
- Select Historical Type
Select Historical Data
- Term
- From – to
- Select items from Macro Indicators and Stock Market
- Input condition setting for Strategy Screening
- Click Run button => Strategy Screening result displayed.
- For insight screening, select a specific fitting term on the screening result, then add more item by clicking Setting Display Item button, setting display term.
- Click Correlation button for Correlation Graph display.
- Click Graph button for Graph display.
User can save and re-open the condition for next using session by clicking Register Condition button.
Advance Screening
Stock Screening
Stock Screening function allows users to screen and establish a list of stocks by user’s definition. It includes nearly 1,000 screening indicators of fundamentals, technical and financial statement. User can export screening result to excel file or save it into Group Setting function.
Stock Screening
- Select Subject (Exchange)
- Select Screening term
- Select indicators for stock screening
- Input condition for indicators
- Click “Run” button => Screening Result display
- For quick item display, select group of indicator check box or click “Setting Display Item” button, then add more indicators.
User can save the screening condition by clicking “Save” button and re-open it for next using session. User can also export the screening result to excel by clicking “Export to Excel” button.
Stock Screening
Contribution Analysis
This function is used for contribution analysis of individual stocks for a benchmark. It enables users to know which individual stocks drive up the benchmark and which drive it down.
Contribution Analysis
- Select Subject (Type of Contribution Analysis and Market Index)
Select Term
- Period
- From – to
- Click Run button => Contribution Analysis result display.
Contribution Analysis
Cross Section
The Cross Section function allows users to cross sectional comparison analysis between different stocks or between different indices among one stock. This function provides charts, table and excel export functions for convenient operation and analysis.
- Select Stock Group
- Select Date
- Click Display Item button for item selection and display. If user has registered condition previously, user can re-open it on Condition List.
- After finishing item selection step, click Run button > The result will be displayed.
To register the setting condition, click Register Condition button then input the Condition name and click Register. User can also manage existing condition by clicking Clear button to delete it.
To see the correlation between each item, click Graph button for Graph display. For user’s convenience, user can also export the data to excel file simply by clicking Export Excel button.
Cross Section
Financial News
This function brings all the latest business, financial and market news in Vietnam, gives users the overview of market daily movement. Users can also set a daily report which they are interested in.
Financial News
Getting the latest financial news, including Macro & Policies, Market Analysis, Banks, Commodities… for market daily overview. User can also search for news by key words, categories, news source, time frame and save it as user’s My Daily Report.
Financial News
Company Announcement
Giving user all information about corporate operation and its prospects. Searching by ticker or keywords, user can find all information of corporate earnings release, insider activity and research report about the corporate.
Company Announcement
My Daily Report
Creating your own Daily Report via My Daily Report feature of Financial News. Select news from all categories, sources and time, save it to your Report then export for further working purposes under Word or PDF format.
My Daily Report