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To login you will need to Register for an account. You can install FiinPro on multiple computers.
Is FiinPro Platform compatible with my operating system?
FiinPro runs on Microsoft Windows operating systems and currently not available for MAC OS platform.
List of compatible operating systems:
Windows Server 2012 / 2008 / 2003 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP
What are the minimum and recommended requirements for the computer to run FiinPro?
FiinPro just requires:
Internet: High-speed internet access (cable/DSL/fiber)
Memory: 2GB (4GB recommended)
Processor: Intel i3 or equivalent (i5 recommended)
Disk space: 100MB
How many computers can I access with my only FiinPro account?
Basically, a FiinPro account can log in to only one computers, but it can be customized based on customer's requirements. -
Do I have to care about the screen size of my computer for the best use of FiinPro? Does my computer screen size have any effect on FiinPro performance?
Fiinpro is designed to support personal computer with screen size from 12 inches. If you have smaller screen size, some features of FiinPro will not be displayed correctly. -
Can two instances of a FiinPro account log in and work simultaneously?
Only one instance of an account can login and work. If another user try to use the same account to login, the current session will be terminated. -
How do I update FiinPro Platform?
FiinPro will check and update automatically whenever you start the platform. A manual upgrade can be performed by downloading the upgrade software from FiinPro website. -
How can I check which version my current FiinPro is?
For the most comprehensive view of the software version, select Setting Function on FiinPro. Alternatively, right-click FiinPro icon on your desktop and select Properties. -
What should I do when I want to register for using FiinPro?
You just need to fill up the registration form on our website. Within 1 working day, our customer support would contact to you for your trial access. Should you need any further support, please contact us via telephone or e-mail.
What is the difference between the paid version and the trial version?
Within 14 days, the trial package provides user full advantage of the paid FiinPro, including:
+ Full FiinPro features;
+ All real-time and daily updated data;
+ Create and Save your own work space.
+ 24/7 customer support via FiinPro customer support hotline and Skype help.
May I open the documents extracted from FiinPro in another computer without FiinPro setup or account?
For the convenience of users. FiinPro allows the documents which are exported from FiinPro can be opened and read on any other computers. We believe that it is also the way to spread our knowledge.
However, user must log in into user's FiinPro account via FiinPro Add-in in order to update the data file.
I am using Amibroker for the advanced technical analysis. Does FiinPro offer a compatible data set with Amibroker?
FiinPro is designed and developed based on the understanding of customers' needs. User can easily find and export the data set customized exclusively for Amibroker on FiinGroup (previously StoxPlus) Templates of FiinPro Data Explorer. -
Which industry classification standards does FiinPro follow?
FiinPro sector data is classified based on the Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB), which was launched by Dow Jones and FTSE in 2005. -
What do financial abbreviations TTM, LAG, LFY and LFY-1 mean?
Due to the fact that many companies do not have sufficient financial data or have not yet announced it, their financial data is calculated on different input databases. The abbreviations clarify different methods of financial data calculation.
+ TTM (Trailing Twelve Months) means the financial ratios are calculated based on the results of 4 latest quarters before the current quarter. For example, with ABT - Bentre Aquaproduct Import and Export JSC, the financial ratios as of June 22, 2015 were calculated based on 4 quarters from Q2/2014 to Q1/2015.
+ LAG (Lagging) means the financial ratios are calculated based on the results of 4 previous quarters prior to the last quarter as the company has not posted its last-quarter results. For example, with XYZ Company, the financial ratios as of August 30, 2015 were calculated based on 4 quarters from Q2/2014 to Q1/2015 as the company has not posted Q2/2015 results.
+ LFY (Last Fiscal Year or Last Financial Year) means the financial ratios are calculated based on the results of the fiscal year before the current fiscal year. For example, with AGD - Godaco Seafood Joint Stock Company, the financial ratios as of July 1, 2015 were calculated based on the results of 2014 fiscal year.
+ LFY-1 (Last Fiscal Year - 1) means the financial ratios are calculated based on the results of the fiscal year before the last fiscal year. For examples, with KHB - HoaBinh Minerals Joint Stock Company, the financial ratios as of July 1, 2015 were calculated based on the results of 2013 fiscal year, 1 year prior to the last fiscal year.
Note: Although some financial ratios might be historic based on the most updated information as mentioned, other financial ratios related to stock prices such as P/E, P/B in FiinPro are calculated based on adjusted prices of the latest ex-date.
Can I use multiple functions at the same working window?
Normally, new selected function will be opened in new work tab. However, you can go to [Edit] on the Menu, select [Add Multiple], then select multiple functions in order to display them in the bottom area of your current work tab. In another way, you can still select new function display normally then merge these function tabs into only work tab by pointing the mouse at the name box of each tab, drag and drop them in one window. -
Which is the primary source of FiinPro data?
FiinPro offers users comprehensive and insightful data, including data of 800+ listed and 1,200+ unlisted companies along with sector, market and macro data. Our experienced IT solution engineers and data analysts integrate data from:
1. Hochiminh Stock Exchange (HOSE)
2. Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX)
3. General Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSO)
4. State Securities Commission (SSC)
5. Business Registration Management Agency
How can I report issues in my working session or leave feedback about FiinPro?
Whenever you meet the "error" notification message or have any issues while using FiinPro, please use our customer support service.
(1) Leave your message at "Feedback" box at the top right of FiinPro application and we will respond within 24 hours.
(2) Contact our customer support directly via FiinPro hotline and we will reply instantly.
Your comments and suggestions are important to us. FiinPro Customer Care will assist you as soon as possible.